Ready to turn your Magic all the Elf'n way on and Receive I AM Retonement Radiate Self love

About me

It's me,  Kimberly!
I can’t wait to

Witness you walk your Destiny Path.

To see you catalyze your Purpose and embody  your true passion 


 It’s time to fully embody the empowered soul you came here to be.

Together, we can journey through removing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles so that you can clearly see, hear, and follow your Divine guidance with grace and ease.
I am committed to the Awakening of the full potential of humanity, and I’m excited to be a Sacred Witness with YOU on this journey
After years of struggling with hiding my truth, being miserable to fit in. I awakened to the  Calling of my life and healed me from the inside out.

Now I use the same powerful techniques to help seekers find their Inner Awakened Mastery and Be the Gift for Humanity that they are.

Know inner peace and live Your Destiny.

As a Code Activator, I can tap directly into Soul codes to catalyze your purpose and passions in life.

I use this awareness to transmit multidimensional healing frequencies infused in Light Codes, awakening your Mastery purpose for its highest expression, by clearing obstacles to destiny embodiment.

My method for living a more peaceful life is simple and easy to follow. It combines everything you need to align the body and the mind for total balance.

 Everyday Mystic   
Celestial Shaman 
Visionary Artist & Teacher

Who I AM:

I’m an everyday Mystic—a healing facilitator to your Soul, guided by Spirit through the Creator of all there is.  

 Through a series of spontaneous awakenings to my healing process, I connected to my own Inner Awakened Mastery.

As I integrated my multidimensional aspects, I became a channel for messages and energies that transmit healing and unlock and awaken human potential.

This work enables people like you to dissolve barriers and break free from negativity, limitation, and lack.

 My life’s work is devoted to the healing arts. I have more than 30 years of combined experience in allopathic and holistic medicine. Also, I am an ordained Shamanic Minster.

I combine knowledge from a wide range of healing techniques with my natural connection to Creator to hold a space of self-empowerment with clients and students.

Internationally, my office is available via phone consultation and the use of Zoom.

 My services integrate a wide range of Alternative Healing.

I use Soul Reading with Life Path Healing and Energy Work which may include a combination of many modalities that I access throughout the quantum field.


Some of the tools that were downloaded to me to help you include:

  • The innate ability to stand in all time and connect to the spheres of existence on all dimensions.

  • Seeing, hearing, and feeling the Harmonic Matrix Grid within the energy field of all creation and seeing the matrices of the divine and not so divine. I use this and transmit your Sacred Codes directly into you.

  • The ability to hold the vision of the divine essence that I see in you—to reflect your full potential and empower you to live your full Destiny.

My  role as a Healing Facilitator:

We attune and reveal your true, radiant nature by using healing work that holds space for removing blocks to wellness.

My role is to be your sacred witness—to stand with you and support you as you unfold your inner power.

In the process of reclaiming and alchemizing the true gift that you are, I tap into your energetic system and access the storyline of the “not self” that is running interference. Then, I help support you to dismantle what no longer serves you, allowing you to embody your true, awakened being.

This magical process releases the seeds to your creative superpowers and empowers you to connect to your fullest potential, the gift that you are.

My role as a Teacher:

My role as a teacher is to hand you the keys that will empower your unique journey to your sacred, authentic self.
We’ll awaken the divine being that exists within you.

My role as an Artist:

As a visionary artist, I have the gift to connect to Soul’s essence through color as it portrays the Soul Song. I offer original artwork, prints, and customized Soul Song Portraits with Soul Readings.

Also, I am a Wire Jewelry artist specializing in wearable tools for the support of your Ascension Journey.

Ways to be Supported On Your Journey To Your

Inner Awakened Mastery

The Creative Path

Try a class

Soul Sessions

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Biz/life Program

IAM Mentorship

Need a Witness...


I AM Membership

Yes! Kim has been my go-to/on speed dial since 2005 after my first session, removing the blockages then and still…I have taken her classes and feel that I have evolved and helped others as well from her healings and teachings. I feel I have connected to her on so many levels (as she has been through all my trials and tribulations since the first time I met her) because of her openness to shine her spiritual light and allowing others to see her inside and out to share that light and dispense any darkness .- Lois D

What They say...

Transmission Calls


While I was not able to get myself to participate on the ‘live’ call, am just now listening to the recording. [guess have been caught in the darkness]Hearing your voice and listening to your introduction is giving me feelings of hope and an upliftment I previously have not been feeling. Thank You SO much for who you are and what you do. Wow- thank you for saying ‘no’ to the hierarchy for permission and claiming your sovereignty and making it now possible for us to move beyond that ‘sealing’ and moving past the energies we have been held in .Oh my gosh… I have sure been needing help moving into a whole different consciousness..- Infinite Blessings…G.

Jim Doe

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